JP, great post thank you, your unidentified species are Sweet Wattle, Acacia suaveolens, then Kunzea capitata, and lastly Lady Fingers orchid which is in the genus Caladenia (edible tubers) - https://www.survival.ark.au/bf_caladenia.php

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Wow, are you the author of survival.ark.au or did you merely reference that site?

I really appreciate the help with IDs, I've still got a long way to go with my amateur botanical knowledge. If you could take a look at these ones that'd be a super help too: https://bushfoodforager.substack.com/p/foraging-in-the-garden-of-eden

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Sure thing. I did intend to let you know on that south coast article too. So no I just referenced that site survival ark, which is a pretty good one in my opinion, to show that the orchids are a bush food. My email is rossrapmundatyahoodotcomdotau if you would like further info/ identifications. I’m a plant nerd based in northern Sydney. Ross

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That looks like you had an amazing time, and I look forward to seeing more

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Thank you Mandy! :)

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So coooool. Sharing the wealth all around. 👍🏽

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