JP, great post thank you, your unidentified species are Sweet Wattle, Acacia suaveolens, then Kunzea capitata, and lastly Lady Fingers orchid which is in the genus Caladenia (edible tubers) -
Sure thing. I did intend to let you know on that south coast article too. So no I just referenced that site survival ark, which is a pretty good one in my opinion, to show that the orchids are a bush food. My email is rossrapmundatyahoodotcomdotau if you would like further info/ identifications. I’m a plant nerd based in northern Sydney. Ross
JP, great post thank you, your unidentified species are Sweet Wattle, Acacia suaveolens, then Kunzea capitata, and lastly Lady Fingers orchid which is in the genus Caladenia (edible tubers) -
Wow, are you the author of or did you merely reference that site?
I really appreciate the help with IDs, I've still got a long way to go with my amateur botanical knowledge. If you could take a look at these ones that'd be a super help too:
Sure thing. I did intend to let you know on that south coast article too. So no I just referenced that site survival ark, which is a pretty good one in my opinion, to show that the orchids are a bush food. My email is rossrapmundatyahoodotcomdotau if you would like further info/ identifications. I’m a plant nerd based in northern Sydney. Ross
That looks like you had an amazing time, and I look forward to seeing more
Thank you Mandy! :)
So coooool. Sharing the wealth all around. 👍🏽